8 Fun Flight Delay Ideas for Teenage Groups
What do you do when you find yourself with a group of restless teenagers and a six-hour delay at London-Heathrow? Do you panic? Hide in the restroom? Send them off to explore the airport and hope they’ll find their way back? If you’ve spent any amount of time with teenagers, you know the trick is to plan ahead when you can and improvise when those plans change.
A trip delay can become a fun memory instead of a giant headache if you can stay positive and creative. Here are eight, fun ideas to pass the time with your younger travelers:
1. Would you rather?
Your team will get to know each other and have some great laughs with, “Would You Rather?” questions. These can lead to some pretty interesting conversations and you might find your long wait over in no time. The only rule — you actually have to pick one answer! Here’s a list of questions to try and answer.
2. Create a music video
Teens are always up for recording themselves doing funny things. Check out this video made by a guy stranded at the Las Vegas airport for some inspiration.
3. Airport scavenger hunt
Break into two teams and race to find a list of items throughout the airport. Think of common, yet specific things you might find at an airport or funny tasks the teams need to complete. You can make your own list or do a quick Google search to find a pre-made list. Just be sure to remind your younger travelers to be courteous to other travelers and careful to follow airport rules.
4. Passenger bingo
Create simple bingo boards with sheets of paper. On each square include things like “someone with Nike shoes,” “kid with Disney backpack,” “someone eating McDonald’s.” Cross them off as you notice people walking by and see who wins!
5. GeoQuiz
Head to the nearest departures and arrivals board and take turns answering questions about each city on the board. Which country is it in? What language is spoken? What currency do they use? The winner gets to pick where you eat lunch!
6. Lip sync battle
Find an empty gate and hold a lip sync battle using a phone or laptop. Post your recordings to social media and see who gets the “most votes.” You might be a crazy, airport spectacle, but who cares when you’re this tired!
7. Nonsense story
Each person starts with a piece of paper and has a given amount of time to write a few lines. When the time is over, they stop where they are, even in mid-sentence. Then they must fold the top of the paper down until only the last line is showing. Pass the papers and have the next person continue where the story left off. Continue until you have done this several times. The results are hilarious.
8. Have a movie marathon
Send everyone out to buy their favorite movie snacks and drinks. Find a quiet corner and set up a laptop. Make your way through a trilogy or a few episodes of a TV series and the time will fly by!
We want to hear from you! What are your favorite ways to pass the time at the airport?